Mary L. Beal spent many years working as a civil servant for the U.S. Department of Defense. She has worked in finance, business consulting, and accounting and started MLBeal Consulting in 2007 to provide business administration and health and wellness advocacy to members of the community.
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The Foundation of Good Health
The foundation of good health is composed of eight elements. These eight elements are not difficult to obtain by practically every human being. Achieving good health and wellness requires knowledge and discipline. What are those eight elements? Trust in God because faith will guide you through difficult situations, including sickness and disease. Obtain fresh air daily…
Office Hours: 9-5 M-F (appointments preferred)
I’m the type who typically does not like taking any type of medicine. Ms. Beal recommended a homeopathic remedy to help to alleviate my pain. She invited me to her house and explained to me about the procedure of using the ear wax candles for coning the ear. Almost immediately, the throbbing ceased while she began the ear way removal process. The procedure worked amazingly well. I definitely suggest that anyone who is experiencing ear pain to give it a try.
I have been using the Pain Away for about 6 months and I love it. It is one of the best things I have used for leg cramps and back pain…once I use it I lay back down and in a few minutes, I’m back to sleep I highly recommend this product.
Jean Adams said about her husband after his first use of Vitamin QB12 Spray, “Today was the first time in three years that Dean has not gone to sleep in church.”
I don’t want to be without my QSleep Spray because I have not rested this well in many years.
Robert Beal of Montezuma, GA said about the Collard Greens and Pineapple Drink, “Give me more of what you are giving me because it is making me feel a lot better.”
I was given a sample bottle of Pain Away for my back and joint soreness. When I used just a small amount on those areas I was amazed at how quickly it worked. It is a natural smelling product and it really gave me relief in a matter of minutes. I carry a bottle in my purse because it works for me. When I had my ears cleansed by Ear Coning I could not believe how much ear wax was in my ear it also helped the buzzing and aching in my ears.